Comment 0 for bug 1452751

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Merlijn Sebrechts (merlijn-sebrechts) wrote :

BQ phone

Steps to reproduce:
1) go to network settings
2) tap network that is not on top

Behaviour I get:
Network jumps to top. After a while a prompt pops up to request your password. This can take up to 5 second on slow networks.
This is very confusing. When the network jumped to the top, I wasn't sure if I tapped it, so I tapped it again. This had the following result: *popup asking for password appears* *popup goes away almost immediately* *popup comes back after a few seconds*

Proposed solution:
Immediately after tapping a network, even before putting it on top of the list, give it an indication of "trying to connect" either by a different color, a loading icon, ... (let the design guys figure this out)