Comment 8 for bug 1798333

Revision history for this message
Rosika Schreck (rosika) wrote :

Hi Takayuki Tokuyoshi (powtok),

thanks a lot for your suggestion.

I reproduced all the steps you provided. I created the 05-filter.conf file with the respective content.

Check rsyslog syntax: Did that as well. It worked as you described.
Restart rsyslog: Did that as a last step.
All worked.


"tail -F /var/log/syslog" -----------> O.K. That didn´t produce any ongoing output.


"sudo journalctl -f" -------------> Alas, no change at all:

example-entry: rosika-Lenovo-H520e indicator-appli[1947]: Application already exists, re-requesting properties.

Still 4 entries per second !!

How is it in your system?
Please try the command "sudo journalctl -f" if possible.
I would be greatly interested to learn if you have those mutiple ongoing output-entries as well.
