Comment 6 for bug 711233

Revision history for this message
Lee Hyde (anubeon) wrote :

> There wasn't a U1 indicator before, back in Jaunty there was a
> notification area status icon that wasn't very useful.

Ah! That *must* be what I was thinking of then.

> Remember Ubuntu One isn't just about storage, it is more than
> that already and over time I am sure it will grow.

Noted. But this doesn't change the fact, that at the heart of UbuntuOne is data. I welcome tighter integration between Ubuntu and UbuntuOne (although I'd like to see this opened up to other data providers as well) where appropriate, but lets not forget those of us who use UbuntuOne primarily for file storage 'ey. ;-)

There is a proven use-case for an UbuntuOne indicator (hence Roman Yepishev's ubuntuone-indicator), as both a means of monitoring the status of file synchronisations and accessing preferences and shares. Using notify-osd for this is all well and good (it's certainly a very good way of drawing attention), but in my opinion an indicator is a better fit.

> The current indicator isn't necessarily "storage", think of it
> more like a contact has shared a folder with you. You see
> that pending share from the contact in the messaging menu.
> Messaging is the best fit we have right now for it.

I can certainly see the logic in notifying the end-user of a new share(s) available via the messaging menu (although were there an official cloud/ubuntuone indicator, I would probably place such notifications there).

Kind Regards,
