Comment 4 for bug 555847

Revision history for this message
Vish (vish) wrote :

The problem here seems to be lack of 22px icons for the rotate. Which is probably what imagination is looking for. [Most toolbars use the 22px icons.] Whereas there is a 24px icon.
This is a known issue , there are several icons which are missing in 22px . We are working on fixing it.

But adding the icon in 22px is not the fix here , it is a workaround for the underlying problem.
The bug here is that Imagination is not using any of the other icons available , it can use the 24px icon , it needs to look elsewhere too.Notice that the problem does not arise in EOG or other toolbars. The code for the toolbar needs to be checked.

I dont see how this can be a bug in Humanity. But we will however add the icons in all sizes.

BTW , how does it work for icon themes which have icons only in one size? There are icon themes which provide only 48px or only 128px icons , i suspect the problem will arise there as well. I dont have imagination installed , so havent checked with other such icon themes.