Comment 4 for bug 597469

Revision history for this message
Jordan Yelloz (jordan-yelloz) wrote :

Well, it appears that after 15-20 minutes, the process stops hogging all the CPU because it filled up the 32GB hard disk on my virtual machine:

df -h /dev/vda1
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/vda1 32G 30G 8.0K 100% /

du -sh /tmp/magick-XXYttOhe
29G /tmp/magick-XXYttOhe

Here's the stats on the process after the mentioned duration:
ps ax | grep conver[t]
 4698 pts/0 DN+ 4:29 convert -debug all ubuntu-imagemagick-hang.psd null:

I'll still let it run for the rest of the day in case anything interesting happens.