Comment 7 for bug 37510

Revision history for this message
Adam Buchbinder (adam-buchbinder) wrote :

I'm running imagemagick 7: on Intrepid. It crashes now, but if I leave off -verbose mode, the correct output is provided. (I opened bug 302454 for that.) The file used here is attached over at that bug.

$ identify small-test.psd
small-test.psd[0] PSD 500x165 500x165+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 567.291kb 0.870u 0:03
small-test.psd[1] PSD 107x165 107x165+393+0 DirectClass 8-bit 567.291kb 0.860u 0:03
small-test.psd[2] PSD 114x165 114x165+310+0 DirectClass 8-bit 567.291kb 0.860u 0:03
small-test.psd[3] PSD 104x165 104x165+248+0 DirectClass 8-bit 567.291kb 0.860u 0:03
small-test.psd[4] PSD 114x165 114x165+186+0 DirectClass 8-bit 567.291kb 0.860u 0:03
small-test.psd[5] PSD 114x165 114x165+124+0 DirectClass 8-bit 567.291kb 0.860u 0:03
small-test.psd[6] PSD 114x155 114x155+31+0 DirectClass 8-bit 567.291kb 0.850u 0:03
small-test.psd[7] PSD 83x165 83x165+0+0 DirectClass 8-bit 567.291kb 0.850u 0:03
$ convert -compress lzw small-test.psd small-test%d.tif
$ identify small-test3.tif
small-test3.tif TIFF 104x165 104x165+248+0 DirectClass 8-bit 47.4082kb
$ enblend -v small-test{1,2,3,4,5,6,7}.tif -o small-test-final.tif -z
Input image "small-test1.tif" RGB UINT8 position=393x0 size=107x165
Input image "small-test2.tif" RGB UINT8 position=310x0 size=114x165
Input image "small-test3.tif" RGB UINT8 position=248x0 size=104x165
Input image "small-test4.tif" RGB UINT8 position=186x0 size=114x165
Input image "small-test5.tif" RGB UINT8 position=124x0 size=114x165
Input image "small-test6.tif" RGB UINT8 position=31x0 size=114x155
Input image "small-test7.tif" RGB UINT8 position=0x0 size=83x165
Output image size: [(0, 0) to (500, 165) = (500x165)]

The stitched TIFF that enblend outputs is correct; the layer offsets are maintained.