Comment 0 for bug 1768235

Revision history for this message
Tom Verdaat (tom-verdaat) wrote :

There is a problem when running a bond on top of vlans. Running ifup with verbose enabled shows run-parts being executed in (what seems like) alphabetical order, but to enslave a vlan interface, run-part /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/vlan should be executed before run-part /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/ifenslave.

Our workaround has been to add "pre-up export IFACE=<name> IF_VLAN_RAW_DEVICE=<raw device name>; /etc/network/if-pre-up.d/vlan" to all vlan slaves, but it would be better to fix this in the ifup scripts themselves by reordering the run-parts.