Comment 17 for bug 1439109

Revision history for this message
Rustom (rustompmody) wrote :

Firstly note that this is more like bug #1432173.
Adding this comment here since that is a duplicate of this one

I get :

$ systemctl status -l ifup-wait-all-auto.service
● ifup-wait-all-auto.service - Wait for all "auto" /etc/network/interfaces to be up for
   Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/ifup-wait-all-auto.service; static; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (exited) since Mon 2015-11-16 07:33:22 IST; 27s ago
     Docs: man:interfaces(5)
  Process: 514 ExecStart=/bin/sh -ec for i in $(ifquery --list --exclude lo --allow auto); do INTERFACES="$INTERFACES$i "; done; [ -n "$INTERFACES" ] || exit 0; while ! ifquery --state $INTERFACES >/dev/null; do sleep 1; done; for i in $INTERFACES; do while [ -e /run/network/ifup-$ ]; do sleep 0.2; done; done (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
 Main PID: 514 (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)
   CGroup: /system.slice/ifup-wait-all-auto.service

Nov 16 07:32:53 xxx systemd[1]: Starting Wait for all "auto" /etc/network/interfaces to be up for
Nov 16 07:32:54 xxx sh[514]: Segmentation fault
Nov 16 07:33:22 xxx systemd[1]: Started Wait for all "auto" /etc/network/interfaces to be up for
$ sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf

I tried what looked like solutions offered here:
$ sudo update-rc.d networking remove
$ sudo update-rc.d networking defaults

[I am assuming that is a misspelling of rc.d]

No change

2. Reinstalled ifupdown
I believe I used to see two segfaults. Now I see one

Ubuntu wily
ifupdown 0.7.54ubuntu1
systemd 225-1ubuntu9

$ cat /etc/network/interfaces
# interfaces(5) file used by ifup(8) and ifdown(8)
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

auto enp7s0
iface enp7s0 inet dhcp