Comment 70 for bug 1301015

Revision history for this message
Tim Carmean (tecarmea) wrote :

This is affecting me as well. I don't care about the bug/feature argument, but I know other folks are running into this in Puppet managed environments. Has anyone come up with a graceful workaround for the following:

class networking {

    file { 'interfaces':
        source => 'puppet:///modules/networking/interfaces',
        path => '/etc/network/interfaces',
        notify => Service['networking'],

    service { 'networking':
        ensure => 'running',
        enable => 'true',


Off the top of my head a solution that requires running ifdown followed by ifup would require the use of 2 exec types in a specific order. I'm far from a Puppet expert, but I know that this would be fairly complex to code and quite error prone.

Any help would be appreciated. I know that many of you are volunteers and I appreciate the time and effort you put into making Ubuntu a great distribution.