Comment 0 for bug 1295348

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ash (shamrin) wrote :

Currently interfaces(5) says in KNOWN BUGS/LIMITATIONS:

       Unfortunately it can happen that the kernel assigns different physical
       interface names to the same hardware at different times; for example,
       what was called "eth0" last time you booted is now called "eth1" and
       vice versa. This creates a problem if you want to configure the
       interfaces appropriately. A way to deal with this problem is to use
       mapping scripts that choose logical interface names according to the
       properties of the interface hardware. See the
       script in the examples directory for an example of such a mapping
       script. See also Debian bug #101728.

The modern solution, described in Debian docs [1], is to use edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules. I suggest we stop talking about confusing script and instead replace the last two "See…" sentences with:

       See /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules for a way to set interface names persistently.

I realize that Debian docs is linked at the end of this man page. But it's not clear it will help with consistent names problem, because KNOWN BUGS says is needed for this. Let's help people that are new to all these things :-)
