Comment 8 for bug 1399945

Revision history for this message
Paul Gevers (paul-climbing) wrote :

I just found this link¹; does it help to prevent the issue?

Typing in edit fields generate duplicate letters

This is more likely to happen under Ubuntu and Ubunto derived distros, and with GNOME Desktop but other distros/Desktop environments can be affected too.

The problem is originated by bugs in the ibus Input Method System. Unfortunately Ibus is the default input method of GNOME desktop.

If you don't know what an IM is, this means that you do not need it, and therefore the easiest way is to disable IM's at all.

In order to do that you have a number of options, namely:

    1 - Disable (or set to "none") the Input Method in System Settings->Preferences->Input Method

    2 - Add the three following lines in /etc/profile (system wide)

export GTK_IM_MODULE=gtk-im-context-simple
export QT_IM_MODULE=simple
export XMODIFIERS=@im=none

    3 - Add a file named containing just the 3 lines above in /etc/profile.d (system wide)

    4 - Add the 3 lines above in the home directory ~/.xprofile (per user). If there's no ~/.xprofile in your home directory, you should create one.

    5 - Create a Lazarus launching script containing the same 3 lines. (affects only Lazarus)

Methods 1 and 2 may not survive after a system update, while 3,4 and 5 will.

Be aware that both GTK and QT applications may change dynamically the IM. If you experience the problem in an apparently random way, chances are good that some other application is enabling again an IM and fails to set to default when terminates. If such is the case method 5 is the only one suitable.

You may find more information about Input Methods, and how to deal with them in:[2] (This is Fedora specific but most informations apply in general)[3] (This is Ubuntu specific, but again most informations apply in general. It explains how to enable IM but the info can be used also to disable it)