Comment 19 for bug 452149

Revision history for this message
Ben Romer (bromer) wrote :

GEdit has Edit->Delete, and is an undoable action, but still gets the ISO No symbol. This is incorrect given this new definition about what GTK_EDIT_DELETE is supposed to mean, but how would this be corrected? What would we change the stock icon to for the trash can to be displayed?

Further, if I enable the Delete action in Nautilus, I get the ISO No symbol and not the minus sign, meaning that even the shell has it wrong.

This change of meaning was not well thought out and I question the sanity of telling every application developer that GTK_EDIT_DELETE doesn't actually mean "delete". Does it really make sense to require a patch and rebuild of *every*single*app* that uses it because someone decided that they wanted to change the semantics of the word "delete"? And GTK_LIST_REMOVE is inappropriate for text and anything else that isn't a list, so what are we to use then?


Take this change and put it to a general vote, with the icon team getting one vote, and every single app developer affected by this change one vote. A simple "Should the use of GTK_EDIT_DELETE imply reversability?" yea or nay vote should work.

Or, leave GTK_EDIT_DELETE alone, and in the next version of GTK, introduce a GTK_EDIT_UNDOABLE_DELETE that has the new semantics, and *request* developers to switch to the new one for undoable deletes. Link GTK_EDIT_DELETE to the minus sign and GTK_EDIT_UNDOABLE_DELETE to the trash can.

Or, in the next version of GTK, make GTK_EDIT_DELETE obsolete, and replace it with some other constants like GTK_UNDOABLE_DELETE and GTK_PERMANENT_DELETE to force developers to use the new semantics.

In any case, you really ought to put the trash icon back in for the current release, as the ISO No symbol is completely inappropriate for the act of deletion in any context, undoable or not, and is graphically inconsistent with the icon *currently* displayed for GTK_UNDELETE. I suppose the icon is meant as a "don't use" hint for developers who are using the Humanity theme during development, but the correct way to tell them is to deprecate or obsolete the constant for it.

Also: is there a bug tracker on the GNOME website that those of us who feel strongly about this issue should be following? The GIT patch link in comment 14 above appears to be invalid now, and I'd like to actually participate in the discussion, if possible.