Comment 7 for bug 150938

Revision history for this message
Savvas Radevic (medigeek) wrote :

OK, in order to find the culprit I completely removed the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Then logged out. I noticed that the "options" on the lower part of the screen were now visible again.
Logged back in, and used this to get a basic xorg.conf: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg
I added in the Section "Device" this line: Driver "nvidia"
I logged out and the options were still there. As a person helped me through this, they said it's probably the xorg.conf that was breaking the display.

I did not use "screens and graphics" to change my display resolution, but I used: gksu nvidia-settings
Logged out and everything was still ok. Seems the problem appears when I try to configure my resolution with the displayconfig-gtk application.

I have attached both xorg.conf:
a) generated by screens and graphics / displayconfig-gtk (not working)
b) generated by nvidia-settings (working)