Comment 18 for bug 4113

Revision history for this message
Wousser (wousser) wrote :

I believe the default xcursor theme Human as well as Jimmac are not complete under Ubuntu.
- True
Thanks for your bug report. Which version of Ubuntu do you use? Where can I see the 'missing pointers'?
- Ubuntu 7.04, Gnome 2.18.1
it's fine now under Edgy with default-cursors-theme and with industrial one.
- Not under Feisty with default-cursor theme and with Human.

The Human theme which Ubuntu uses standard is not complete under Feisty. I've compared to the Vanilla theme mentioned here and Human is missing more than 40 cursors.
I reopened this bug because Ubuntu should standard not use an incomplete theme.
It looks ugly if your cursor changes to another theme suddenly.