Comment 2 for bug 73841

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Jeff Greene (jeffgreene) wrote :

I tried it and it works for me. I think I know what the problem is. Are you trying to backup your home drive to /media/(something) or the drive that appears in nautilus? You cannot back up something to /dev/sda1 as that is just the device address. If you did not know, it saves the backup as a .dar file.

If you cannot get it to work, you can always go:
cp -R -u ~ /media/sda1
This will copy your entire home directory to the folder /media/sda1.
You can repeat this command every time you want the backup to be updated. All existing files will be updated if the replacing file is newer.

The usage for the command is:
cp -R -u [source directory] [target directory]

-R makes it copy recursively
-u makes it update older files

I am sorry, but I am rejecting this bug, as there does not appear to be one. You can reopen it if you feel otherwise.