Comment 64 for bug 1811504

Revision history for this message
yann42 (yann42) wrote : Re: scan with Laserjet MFP-M28 fails

I don't know if I can ask help here, so if not please just tell me.

I get a m28w printer and found this topic, so I tried to install latest hplib version:

sudo apt-get install --install-recommends build-essential libjpeg-turbo8-dev avahi-utils cups libcups2 libcups2-dev cups-bsd cups-client libcupsimage2 libcupsimage2-dev libdbus-1-dev g++ ghostscript cups-filters ghostscript-x libssl-dev libsnmp-dev snmp libc6 libtool libtool-bin libusb-1.0-0-dev make wget policykit-1 policykit-1-gnome python3-dbus python3-gi python3-dev python3-notify2 python3-pil python3-pyqt4 gtk2-engines-pixbuf python3-dbus.mainloop.qt python3-reportlab python3-lxml sane libsane-dev sane-utils xsane python-dev python-qt4 python-qt4-dev python-pyqt5 python-dbus
tar xf hplip-3.20.3.tar.gz
cd hplip-3.20.3/
./configure --prefix=/usr --with-hpppddir=/usr/share/ppd/HP --libdir=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu --enable-qt4 --enable-hpcups-install --enable-cups-drv-install --disable-cups-ppd-install --disable-hpijs-install --disable-foomatic-drv-install --disable-foomatic-ppd-install --disable-foomatic-rip-hplip-install --enable-fax-build --enable-dbus-build --enable-network-build --enable-scan-build --disable-policykit --disable-libusb01_build --disable-udev_sysfs_rules --enable-doc-build
sudo make install

But after that I get same problems: printer works fine, scanner give I/O errors if using sane.
The only way to scan that worked is:
scanimage –mode Gray –resolution 200 > image.pnm

But the strangest,
apt version hplip

What did I wrong?