Comment 1 for bug 45404

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Paul Sladen (sladen) wrote : Re: thinkpad-keys uses a large amount of CPU

This only seems to show up on the X60*. Eg. on a R52 that has been up for a day, it's only used 20 seconds:

  $ uptime ; ps aux | awk '/[t]hinkpad-keys/{print$11,$10}'
  15:27:11 up 1 day, 6:20, 4 users, load average: 0.03, 0.07, 0.08
/usr/sbin/thinkpad-keys 0:20

sabdfl reported this to me and his X60 is SMP (Core Duo).

It may also, to a lesser extent, be visible on an R40e, jriddell has mentioned.

Chris: can you:

  apt-get install tpb

(this will conflict with 'hotkey-setup' so you'll temporaily have to remove the 'ubuntu-desktop' meta package).

Can you check if the CPU usage on that is any different. (It should be 25% of the amount since 'tpb' polls at 5Hz by default and 'thinkpad-keys', currently at 20Hz.

I've thought of so ways to get the current 80 /dev/nvram queries per second down to ~11 and not loose much of the responsiveness/latency.