Comment 3 for bug 1771335

Revision history for this message
Gustin Johnson (gustin-meganerd) wrote :

I can confirm that I also have this issue. If I ssh into the host and manually issue "systemctl restart haproxy" haproxy runs just fine. I am also using hostnames that resolve via DNS and not /etc/hosts.

This is a headless VM on wired network (KVM bridged network). The IP is assigned via DHCP.

There is nothing in /etc/netplan

/etc/hosts only has the default localhost entries and some IPv6 lines at the end (this network does not have IPv6, only the link local stuff).

/etc/resolv.conf points to the localhost and thus I used:
 sudo systemd-resolve --status
to get the actual DNS server(s), which are correct and functioning as expected.

Any other ideas?