Comment 34 for bug 77739

Revision history for this message
yleetiny (yleetiny) wrote :

Laurent Almeras :
There is a really small bug in your file when I checked them its in your fdi file :
If you say "laptop_panel.num_levels = 20 (0x15) (int)"
that means the levels will begin from "0" to "19" ( 19-0+1= 20 =num_levels, that is the difference between the number of levels, and the maximum level)
It implies that in fact there is "21" num_levels, so you have to update your fdi file!

Sebastian Gaul :
I made some tests and it seems that the applet read its informations during the starting of gdm...

1- Firstly you will have to update your fdi file :
sudo gedit "/usr/share/hal/fdi/policy/10osvendor/10-sony-laptop-panel-mgmt-policy.fdi"
change all the "20" into "21", then save :

2- restart hal :
sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart

3- restart your gdm (Ctrl + Alt + backspace), and enjoy

(NB: you can just reboot you computer to automatically restart hal and gdm)