Comment 33 for bug 77739

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yleetiny (yleetiny) wrote :

Sebastian Gaul:
My script is not perfect : it overides the applet (in fact it does exactly what the applet does in a different language).
But i think it still a good thing because :
1- it better respect the security
2- with it Gnome brightness preferences works (when you swith form sector/battery the light changes)

Laurent Almeras:
Firstly thanks for all your work...
Secondly, setting the brightness for VAIO seems to be a common problem (on ubuntu's french forum), what we have done so far should works out of the box for smartdimmer users !
But unfortunately many users still have to use xbacklight or even software solution. I think we can easily provide a solution for them too.
Thinking a bit about it, it seems to me that the best way is just to use a common platform for all VAIO users in hal which will call acpi.
This way it will allows every users to set his brightness correctly (or if not with a software implementation).
Advantages :
1- more flexible (people will just have to change a variable to switch between different solution ("echo", xbacklight, smartdimmer, nvclock)
2- it will reduce the complexity of the problem because there will have only one file or two for everyone
3- you can make it for every vaio users
Disvantages :
1- it makes hal dépendant of acpi
2- others ideas that i haven't been thinking of...

Thirdly and Finally, i'm asking you if you're interrested in it so that i can count on you to "package" it and helping me if i got a problem.