Comment 18 for bug 277589

Revision history for this message
benste (benste) wrote : Re: sony brighness on a geforce series older than 8 (nvclock works fine)

sadyl it woun't work,

here my full protocoll:

benste@vaiofe31m:~$ find /usr -iname "hal-system-lcd-*et-brightness"

benste@vaiofe31m:~$ sudo mv /usr/lib/hal/scripts/hal-system-lcd-get-brightness /usr/lib/hal/scripts/hal-system-lcd-get-brightness.back
[sudo] password for benste:
benste@vaiofe31m:~$ sudo mv /usr/lib/hal/scripts/hal-system-lcd-set-brightness /usr/lib/hal/scripts/hal-system-lcd-set-brightness.back
benste@vaiofe31m:~$ cd Desktop/
benste@vaiofe31m:~/Desktop$ sudo cp sony-backlight_0.alpha/usr/lib/hal/scripts/* /usr/lib/hal/scripts/
benste@vaiofe31m:~/Desktop$ sudo cp sony-backlight_0.alpha/usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/* /usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/
I looked up the dir with nautilus and there are backups, and modified originally versions (I think they're yours)
benste@vaiofe31m:~/Desktop$ cd /
benste@vaiofe31m:/$ sudo gedit //usr/share/hal/fdi/information/10freedesktop/10-sony-laptop-panel-mgmt-policy.fdi
Spelling mistake, but it worked
afterwards even the keypresses which were recognized before aren't anymore
using the panel applet for brightness slider it shows the red cross - not working --> resulted a apport bug tracking symbol which was away after a short time period.

" sudo smartdimmer -s 5" works fine

benste@vaiofe31m:~$ lshal | grep -i "sony-nvidia"
  laptop_panel.access_method = 'sony-nvidia' (string)

So the files are wrongly installed or what?