Comment 12 for bug 257028

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Izzy (izzy-qumran) wrote :

Update: I found a new work-around. While KDE has problems with fstab entries starting with "UUID=" (results in "permission denied" when trying to mount that drive via the desktop icon), the following worked like a charm:

/dev/disk/by-uuid/FD71-883A /media/disk auto rw,user,noauto 0 0

Note that this is using the UUID as well - but being a (link to) a real device file (which seems to be what KDE requires), KDE accepts it just fine. While I just got the "IsCallerPrivileged failed" without this fstab entry, after enabling it KDE immediately mounted the device as it used to do before: No error, no warning, no password request.

Still it is to be considered a work-around: One cannot expect "non-techie users" to create such a fstab entry for each device (USB-disk, PDAs, mobiles, memory cards, etc.) in advance. But if anybody has one such device regularly in use (like I mount my PDA each morning to xfer data I need during the day), this work-around will be quite helpful I guess.

Looking forward to the real solution :)