Comment 64 for bug 23770

Revision history for this message
Linuxg33k (linuxg33k) wrote :

i have had this series of problems on half a dozen machines, and yet on another
half dozen it did not appear.

it seems to only appear on clean installs, dist-upgrades seem to go okay (with
the exception of oo.org2 hosing the upgrade this time).

for this laptop i had the floppy issue from above, and still have the usb
devices not mount/activating.

- the floppy issue was solved by adding floppy module to /etc/modules and
upgrading pmount to dapper version.

- the usb issue is unresolved. usb stick lights up and then promptly shuts off,
usb mouse does not even light up. no /dev/sd* devices are created when I plug
ausb device in. the usb issue and therefore my devices.txt file is empty.

i posted my reports and files as well.

i hope this gets resolved this is definately a really bad situation, especially
for those of us running pilot programs and wishing to run ubuntu on the
corporate desktop.