Comment 1 for bug 19376

Revision history for this message
Mark Smith (ubuntu-marksmith) wrote :

Test case files to follow ....

In the meantime:
hald happily detects the drive as a SCSI device, sees the block device /dev/sda
None of the partitions are detected, consequently gvm cannot pick them up.

With hald in verbose mode:
volume scanning is attempted (probe-volume.c reports this), but no further
information is output.

hald/linux2/probing/probe-volume.c attempts to open device with "fd =
open(device_file, O_RDONLY)" line 177

hal user is not a member of the disk group; /dev/sda is 660 root:disk

Temporary workaround:
sudo adduser hal disk
sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart

Disk partitions are now detected correctly.

Adding hal to the disk group seems to have the side effect of removing disk
icons from the GNOME desktop on reboot ....