Comment 8 for bug 136627

Revision history for this message
François Grieu (fgrieu) wrote :

> Does your flash disks work under Kubuntu 7.10?

Tested using kubuntu-7.10-desktop-i386.iso live CD (one machine, two boots)

Summary: as in my 2007-09-01 report (different from 2007-10-15 report). Additional observation: affected flash drive disapears from desktop after unmount, when non-affected flash drive remains visible as unmounted volume.

In detail: problematic flash drive [2] connected after boot, mounts OK once, works, can be safely unmounted and *disapears from desktop while still physically connected*. When physically disconnected, then re-connected, it does not reapear (LED activity shows there is some dialog with the drive); same when connection is thru another USB port, and/or another drive was used before reconnection.
Other 4G flash drive [3] works fine: remains on the desktop after unmount (properties shows an unmounted volume), disapears when diconnected, and shows again when re-connected.

I can get a log if given instructions, and/or mail the affected flash drive to someone feeling in charge.