Comment 9 for bug 566260

Revision history for this message
ssbastos (bastos-sergio) wrote :

Well, I installed kernel 2.6.34-999 (201004281008), but I didn't detected any improvement.

The laptop has the following hotkeys:
Fn-F2 - Mute - works
Fn-F3 - Decrease volume - works
Fn-F4 - Increase volume - works
Fn-F5 - Decrease brightness - notify-osd appears, but nothing changes
Fn-F6 - Increase brightness - notify-osd appears, but nothing changes
Fn-F7 - LCD/monitor switch - unable to test, but the Application Panel turns white for a few seconds when the keys are pressed
Fn-F9- Zoom Out - does not work, nothing happens
Fn-F10 - Zoom In - does not work, nothing happens
Fn-F12 - Hibernate - does not work, it corrupts the graphics display

Also, in addition to those hotkeys, there are also 3 special keys on the top right of the laptop.
WEB - maps internally to XF86HomePage - works by opening a new browser session.
MUTE - maps internally to XF86Launch1 - does not work, nothing happens
DISPLAY OFF - not mapped - although hotkey is not mapped internally, it works as expected as the LCD is turned off/on.