Comment 2 for bug 281951

Revision history for this message
Alkis Georgopoulos (alkisg) wrote :

I've created a file named /usr/share/hotkey-setup/ (contents below) and added the following lines to /etc/init.d/hotkey-setup so that it gets loaded:
     Aspire\ 59*)
     . /usr/share/hotkey-setup/

1. While booting (e.g. in recovery console) hotkey-setup is not loaded yet, so keys don't work correctly.
2. Later in the boot process, hotkey-setup is called (I've put some debug "echo" instructions to verify this).
3. When gdm is loaded, some other setkeycodes are executed (I don't know who does that, maybe X?) which override hotkey-setup, and keys again don't work properly.
4. When the gnome session is loaded, yet other keycodes, different than those of gdm are loaded (maybe by gnome?) which override all the previous.

So I think that modifying hotkey-setup is not the correct way to solve this problem. Could someone please give us some suggestions on what else to look for?

Should /lib/modules/2.6.27-7-server/kernel/ubuntu/misc/acerhk.ko be loaded? (it's not)
Should I also modify /usr/share/X11/xkb/keycodes/evdev ?

If I manually run "/etc/init.d/hotkey-setup restart" anytime, either on console or on X, keys work fine.

The file /usr/share/hotkey-setup/ I've made:

# Tested on Acer Asprire 5920G by
# Output of /usr/share/bug/hotkey-setup:
# manufacturer="Acer, inc."
# name="Aspire 5920G "
# version="Not Applicable"

setkeycodes e00a $KEY_MEDIA # TV
setkeycodes e059 $KEY_BLUETOOTH
setkeycodes e06c $KEY_MAIL
setkeycodes e032 $KEY_WWW
setkeycodes e055 $KEY_WLAN
setkeycodes e025 $KEY_HELP # Fn+F1, Acer shortcut keys help
setkeycodes e026 $KEY_CONFIG # Fn+F2, Acer eSettings for Acer Empowering Technology
setkeycodes e027 $KEY_SETUP # Fn+F3, Acer ePowerManagement for Acer Empowering Technology
setkeycodes e05f $KEY_SLEEP # Fn+F4
setkeycodes e029 $KEY_SWITCHVIDEOMODE # Fn+F5
#setkeycodes $KEY_DISPLAY_OFF # Fn+F6, Backlight off key (hardware, no scan code)
#setkeycodes e071 $KEY_ # Fn+F7, Touchpad on/off (hardware, information only)
setkeycodes e020 $KEY_MUTE # Fn+F8
setkeycodes e074 $KEY_HP # Blue "e" key, Acer Empowering Technology
setkeycodes e012 $KEY_SPORT # Kid icon, Acer Arcade
setkeycodes e022 $KEY_PLAYPAUSE # Fn+Home
setkeycodes e024 $KEY_STOPCD # Fn+PgUp
setkeycodes e010 $KEY_PREVIOUSSONG # Fn+PgDn
setkeycodes e019 $KEY_NEXTSONG # Fn+End
setkeycodes e06f $KEY_BRIGHTNESSDOWN # Fn+<-
setkeycodes e04e $KEY_BRIGHTNESSUP # Fn+->
setkeycodes e033 $KEY_EURO # '€' is hard to do out-of-the-box
setkeycodes e034 $KEY_DOLLAR # '$' is hard to do out-of-the-box
setkeycodes e02e $KEY_VOLUMEDOWN # Turning the volume control right
setkeycodes e030 $KEY_VOLUMEUP # Turning the volume control left