Comment 6 for bug 76283

Revision history for this message
davescafe (davescafe) wrote : Nautilus & Gnome desktop display two memory card icons if Ubuntu is booted with memory card inserted

Nautilus and the Gnome desktop display two memory card icons if Ubuntu is booted with memory card inserted. This only happens when the memory card is inserted before Ubuntu is booted. If I insert the memory card into my USB reader after Ubuntu boots, I will only see one icon, as expected, in Nautilus and on the desktop.

This issue does not affect Ubuntu 6.06 (Dapper Drake). I first noticed it appear in Ubuntu 6.10 (Edgy Eft). The problem persists with Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty Fawn).

There does not seem to be any difference between the behavior of the two icons. While the memory card is mounted, it is possible to access the contents of the volume by opening either icon (by double-clicking).

It is possible to unmount the volume by right-clicking on one of the 2 icons and selecting, "Unmount". The memory card will un-mount, however, one of the icons will remain on the Desktop and one will remain in the Nautilus "Places' menu--although in Nautilus the icon will change locations.