Comment 15 for bug 366073

Revision history for this message
mabawsa (mabawsa) wrote :

With all due respect Sebastien,

1 The bug I have was exactly the same as Valentin's. So if I open another bug then it is a duplicate. Fairly pointless....
2 The bug was opened on 9.04. So a fix has NOT been released; this is misleading.
3 By default Nautilus handles FTP and it used to make a decent job of it. So this should function by default in ubuntu. A strong FTP client is a matter of opinion, I like the way gvfs-ftp backend integrates into the gnome shell. Most of the time I use the command line for FTP'ing but many of the other people in my charge do not. So I have had to fix about 10 machines today.
4 Karmic is alpha NOT a release, therefore why should I try it to fix a Jaunty issue by upgrading to Karmic, and be ladened with a bunch of development bugs for at least 2-3 months? (this is why I waited to upgrade to Jaunty till now).
5 The bug is so easy to fix. Indeed I want to create the debs for a ppa if nobody else wants to fix it on the official release.

So I suggest you re-open the bug and help fix it for the official release, or mark it as wont fix for Jaunty.

All best