Comment 8 for bug 291259

Revision history for this message
Bux Markus (markus-bux) wrote : Re: smb:// URI's do not work

Ok. the above one is the dirty and quick way, which will do the job.

I have attached a schema file, which will create all needed entries under schema an associate it with the values in /desktop/gnome/...

The schema file will only install the de, en_CA, en_GB and C localization. The other ones i do not know. ;)
BTW: The file will install fine on any system with other languages but the description will only be displayed in english. So maybe you can add your description to the file bevor installing it. ;)

Download the attached file to your desktop and run the following command in an terminal with user rights!

gconftool-2 --install-schema-file=~/Desktop/smb_handler.schemas

After that you can test the success of the installation by running the following commands as user

1) gconftool-2 --get-schema-name /desktop/gnome/url-handlers/smb/command
This schould return "/schemas/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/smb/command"

2)gconftool-2 --get /schemas/desktop/gnome/url-handlers/smb/command
Typ: string
Listentyp: *invalid*
car-Typ: *invalid*
cdr-Typ: *invalid*
Vorgabewert: nautilus "%s"
Besitzer: gnome
Kurzbeschr.: Zu verwendendes Thema
Ausführliche Beschr.: Der Dateiname des zu verwendenden Themas.

So thats it. Start gconf-editor and verify the values.
