Comment 0 for bug 2047356

Revision history for this message
Mossroy (mossroy) wrote :

On Ubuntu 22.04.3, when running a k3s workload that uses volumes (using default local-path storageClass), process gvfs-disks2-volume-monitor can take around 100% of one CPU core, and process gsd-housekeeping around 25% of one CPU core.
Even if the actual k3s workload is idle.

Steps To Reproduce:

- Use or install a desktop Ubuntu 22.04.3 (with default settings)
- Install K3s on it (current version is "v1.28.4+k3s2"), with default settings: "curl -sfL | sh -"
- Deploy k8s manifests with many volumes, like "wget && sudo k3s kubectl apply -f deployment-wit-many-volumes.yaml"
- Check CPU consumption on the host, with top, gnome-system-monitor or anything else

Expected behavior:
Gnome desktop tools should not interfere with k3s.

Actual behavior:
Processes gvfs-disks2-volume-monitor and gsd-housekeeping consume a lot of CPU, at least at provisioning time.
Same CPU consumption if you then remove the workload ("sudo k3s kubectl delete -f deployment-wit-many-volumes.yaml"), until the PVs are deleted by k3s.
I have other workloads (with data in PVs) where this CPU consumption is always there, when the workload is running.

Additional context:
The symptoms are very similar to, but the workaround of comment (adding a udev rule to ignore some loopback devices) does not help.

Executing systemctl stop --user gvfs-udisks2-volume-monitor can be a temporary workaround

NB: Was initially reported on