Comment 258 for bug 197762

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allisterbrizan (allisterbrizan) wrote : Re: file transfers on USB flash key (pendrive) or USB HDD are slowing down with time

Please don't brush this aside as "poor performance". This is an issue in long disk activities. I notice this bug in both disk copies and dd.
I use dd quite frequently to clone disk images onto identical computers and very regularly have to copy these 75.4GB disk images. While i have not done a forensic investigation this is what i have noticed after facing this issue MANY times:

1. It definitely affects Ububtu 9.10, Ububtu 9.04, Ububtu 8.10, Ububtu 9.10UNR, Ububtu 9.10UNR. (It seems to be a bigger problem UNR distros)

2. In Ubuntu 9.04 i get this slowdown in approximately 25% of the dd clones i do (2 out of 7 computers this weekend). Canceling and restarting the computer don't fix this issue.
Note: For dd clones i boot off a USB stick and invoke dd in a terminal window. The drive images copy from a file on a NTFS drive to /dev/sda or vice-versa.

3. Using the computer makes this bug less likely to happen. (I truly believe this has something to do with efficient power consumption or reducing disk writes.)

4. The read/write rate decreases over time in a predictable manner. A dd clone which works normally copies the 75.4GB file in 3054s give or take 10. If the bug occurs it takes approx. 23200s.

This is a real problem. I will do some proper testing and analysis based on suggestion.