Comment 189 for bug 197762

Revision history for this message
rom85 (rom85) wrote : Re: file transfers on USB disk are very slow

I have tried several PCs. They were based upon Intel chipsets such as G33/31, i865, i915, i945 all with integrated video used. All of them had Celeron proccessors on board, 512MM of RAM and SATA 80GB drives. Tested versions of Ubuntu were 8.10, 9.04 and 9.10. None of them worked good, talking about USB speeds. I've tried different combinations, playing with enabling/disabling Usb Legacy Support in BIOS, setting "pci=noapc pci=routeirq" and "elevator" parameters in grub's configuration. These were some tricks discussed on forums. None of these experiments helped on any of the machines. The symptoms were: when copying files to flash drive the speed decreases from about 24BMps at start (according to speed indicator either in Nautilus or MC) to almost 1MBps->200-300kbps, than the progress freezes (doesn't answer for escape key or Cancel) as long as system starts hanging also, while CPU load isn't high at all. When you copy small files up to 50-150MB it's all right, written quite fast, but films are impossible to write as 1,4GB is a hard task. When you watch the copy-progress bar it's either moving fast or stopping for some time, than again. Even if copying is finished in a program I can see that usb stick is working for some time more indicating that with a lamp on it.
For those willing to say to buy a new flash drive - they are workable and well and of different manufacturers and USB 2.0 is enabled in BIOS.
Sincerely see further for bug fixing. I will supply all necessary information if requested.