Comment 3 for bug 1612708

Revision history for this message
mohican (mohican) wrote :

I ran into a bug that may be the same as yours :

My data is on a different partition than the system.
I use symbolic links in the ~ directory to access these files.

e.g. /home/me/Download is a symbolic link to /media/DATA/me/Download/

When I try to delete a file from the Download folder, accessing it through the symbolic link, I have a message that says (I translate) 'unable to move the file to the trash do you want to delete it completely ?' or (using Thunar on Xubuntu 16.04) **"invalid cross-device link"**

This is the same whether the data partition is EXT4 or NTFS formated.

When I access the file directly from the /media/DATA partition I can move it into the trash normally.