Comment 3 for bug 1056060

Revision history for this message
ankspo71 (jamesb-71) wrote :

The gufw desktop file located at /usr/share/applications/gufw.desktop has a line inside it that says
"OnlyShowIn=Unity;" which prevents it from appearing in other desktops. This might affect gnome-classic too. I'm using Kubuntu Quantal 64bit and gufw didn't appear in my KDE menu originally. I had to comment out the "OnlyShowIn=Unity;" line to get it to appear.

gksudo gedit /usr/share/applications/gufw.desktop
(Kubuntu users can use kdesudo kate /usr/share/applications/gufw.desktop)

Change the line that says:
to this:
# OnlyShowIn=Unity;

Save the file. If gufw does not appear in the menu within in few seconds, then you would probably need to log out then log back in.