Comment 2 for bug 1606165

Revision history for this message
Jacques (caramba696) wrote :

The component having the issue is libgtk-3-0 (3.10.8-0ubuntu1.6).
It concerns a feature which was initially added in version 2.16: showing an alert icon when using the caps lock.

Enclosed are 3 screenshots of an application using libgtk3. The field is a password field.

- caps_lock_key_pressed_not_released shows the state when I presse the caps lock key but I don't release it (and I mean the caps lock, not the shift key!)
- caps_lock_key_pressed_and_released shows the state after releasing the caps lock key (of course you don't keep it pressed). You see that the warning logo disappear. It must stay instead
- first_letter_in_captital shows that de warning logo comes back and stays (as long as you don't press the caps lock a second time) but only after you've pressed the first key (letter, etc.)

This behaviour happens also in the middle of a password. Not just for the first character.
