Comment 2 for bug 1061419

Revision history for this message
Attila Hammer (hammera) wrote :

Hope helps fixing this bug Ubuntu level with I doed work:
I follow down upstream GTK+ 3.6 version awailable commits and searched what commit fix this issue in GTK+ 3.5.6 version. I generated a debdiff with Precise awailable gtk+3.0 source package and added proper upstream patch.
We have lucky, because the upstream level 3.5.6 version committed fix compatible with GTK+3.4.2 version.

I risk little, but doed a local build the patched package with my local testing Ubuntu 12.04.1 system, and tested the modified version after installation and restart. Because in Orca screen reader preferences dialog I always experienced this issue prewious when I tryed the wrote testcase, I repeat the testcase the modified installed package. I opened Orca preferences dialog, press tab key, and press two shift+tab key combination. Prewious original GTK 3.4.2 version the focus not land right with OK button, the focus land with speak objects under mouse check box. Now focus right land with OK button, similar with Ubuntu Quantal awailable upstream GTK 3.6.0 version. If I opened prewious original GTK+3.4.2 version the Orca preferences dialog, press TAB key and a shift+TAB key and try switch next page with right arrow key, the page tab switch not happened right, focus land the speak objects under mouse check button. The modified version page tab switch happening right this testcase too.

Sebastien, your openion have chance to land this important fix with Ubuntu 12.04? Ubuntu 12.04 release policy enable to backport this fix with GTK+ 3.4.2 version?
Not only a11y products affecting this fix, normal keyboard navigation working broken with multipage dialogs in GTK+ 3.4.2 if an Ubuntu user using keyboard the navigation and known the description wrote testcase.
Unfortunately GNOME Developers not will be releasing new maintenance release the 3.4 series GNOME components, and this fix land upstream level after end of 3.4 series officialy maintenance cicle.
If the LTS release policy not enable to accept this fix, I full agree this choice.
