Comment 0 for bug 41838

Revision history for this message
Tolgam (tolgam) wrote :

This is my problem : I've seen a translation error in the french version of gthumb.

The error is that "Plein écran" should have been used instead of "Plain écran" (for shortcut F11). I found it wasn't a big deal and went on rosetta to fix this...
I carefully clicked alsmost 85 times (there are about 850 messages) on the "next 10" link. Every time, after reading the 10 message displayed, I had to go back to the top on the page to be able to click on this link :/
I've seen a search feature has been requested for rosetta so I hope things will soon be easier :)

Anyway, i didn't find the message I willing to fix. Thus, instead of browsing again all the messages (which is, btw, a little bit long to do), i've tried to signal this translation as a bug in gthumb. This doesn't worked either since gthumb is not using malone :'(

So I end up filling a bug there...