Comment 34 for bug 95326

Revision history for this message
Toon Verwaest (tverwaes) wrote :

I have had this problem for a long while as well, and just found this bugreport which does not seem to help at all. Now I just found that the skipping happens because of the fact that faac's default encoding profile (MAIN) seems to encode or at least play back with jitter/skipping. Switching to the profile to Low Complexity (fast) or Long Term Prediction (slow) seems to fix it. (profile 3, Scalable Sampling Rate, makes sound-juicer fail).

I will be using the following gstreamer pipeline from now on:

audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! faac bitrate=256000 profile=2 ! ffmux_mp4

(other options for faac can be found with "gst-inspect-0.10 faac"; testing pipelines can be done by starting sound-juicer from commandline and seeing the error-messages when sound-juicer tries to initialize a pipeline)
