Comment 28 for bug 95326

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Matt Hanyok (matthew-hanyok) wrote :

I just tested this. It's... strange.

The files work better now than they did before; for example they are now showing the proper run time of a file when played back in totem or VLC. The skipping isn't as bad but sound is very clipped, sounds tinny / vaguely underwater and occasionally runs over itself (if that makes sense... like some parts echo for a while) when I play the file.

This is in Ubuntu Hardy, 64-bit, with the latest updates (including those in proposed) as of half an hour ago.

Steps to duplicate:

1) Open Sound Juicer and Insert CD.
2) Make sure that output format is selected as "CD Quality, AAC (MPEG-4 audio)."
I don't remember if that is a default profile. Here is the gstreamer pipeline used:

audio/x-raw-int,rate=44100,channels=2 ! faac ! ffmux_mp4

3) Extract audio

I was trying to find some classical music on CD so I could post a sample file but I can't find half of my CDs right now and rather wouldn't upload a file of copyright-protected music.

The audio distortion is VERY noticeable if you rip a song with vocals.