Comment 20 for bug 95326

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Matt Hanyok (matthew-hanyok) wrote :

I'm also having this issue. Ubuntu Gutsy.

I noticed from the old documentation that there was a gstreamer0.8-faac package required in addition to the gstreamer0.8-ffmpeg. I looked through the repositories to see if there were equivalents to these for gstreamer0.10 and saw a gstreamer0.10-ffmpeg but not a gstreamer0.10-faac. Does such a package exist or has its functionality been rolled into the ffmpeg package (or put somewhere else entirely)?

I've followed the steps in the current help documentation and I still get these corrupted files when ripping.

I think this issue is related to bug 164265. Is it possible that it's something in the part of the gstreamer pipeline called when AAC encoding is being done? Maybe something in the plugin that causes incorrect formatting in the file when it is created?


The issue with Rhythmbox corrupting the files after transfer to an iPod is detailed in the bug I linked above. I found that Banshee and Exaile had no problem syncing with my iPod (4th gen, greyscale, 20gb, firmware 3.1.1); neither attempted transcoding like Rhythmbox did.