Comment 4 for bug 367623

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Jeremiahwuzza (jeremy-creative-afternoon) wrote :

I recently installed Ubuntu 9.04 - this was a new install on a new drive on a Compaq PIII. My problem is with Rhythmbox/Gstreamer. When I try to import any music file from a mounted windows share using Samba the application trundles for a while then announces an import error with the comment:
"Internal GStreamer Problem; file a bug"
This problem is exclusively with Rhythmbox. Alsa Player and Movie Player import and play files from the windows share with no problems. All three windows shares can be accessed for both read and write using Samba for all other applications.

I have done complete reinstalls of Rhythmbox (0.12.0) and Gstreamer (0.10) with no improvement.
This problem did not occur with the previous version of Ubuntu (and RBox and Gst).
I have no idea what to do next. This is a major problem for me as one of the main uses of this computer is as a music player.
The previous versions of the program(s) are not available for this distro.
This problem is not limited to MP3s. Rhythmbox will not import WAV files either (although Alsa and Totem will). I have searched the web and found several references to this bug, but no solutions. I am not sure what other information you want but please let me know.