Comment 3 for bug 19906

Revision history for this message
In , Neil Pilgrim (debian-bugs-kepier) wrote : Re broken gstreamer-jack plugin

I have just tested the 0.8.1 packages in unstable, with a similar result
to using the 0.6.0 packages.

You mention that the priority has been changed to normal; would it be
feasible to instead change the plugin meta-package setup so as to have

gstreamer-[version]-plugins-all : equivalent of current non'-all'
gstreamer-[version]-plugins-recommended : (or -typical) excluding broken
plugins like jack

and then have the the packages which formerly depended on the current
plugins metapackage recommend only the latter.

This should probably be a separate bug, but the alsa plugin also seems
broken in both 0.6.0 and 0.8.1, so would be a further candidate for
exclusion from the latter meta-package. I have alsasink working with the
0.8.1 sinesrc and an additional .asoundrc configuration, but it won't
play anything useful :(
