Comment 3 for bug 656214

Revision history for this message
Mantas Kriaučiūnas (mantas) wrote :

Lots of improvements made in GShutdown since May 2008 (GShutdown 0.2 release), see
But Ubuntu 12.04 and older includes old and buggy GShutdown 0.2 :(

Btw, last active GShutdown developer told me "gshutdown is no longer developed nor maintained", see text bellow.
So, I've chosen to improve Gpoweroff, which is an alternative to GShutdown written in Python/Gtk, see

I've improved Gpoweroff - added Hibernate and Suspend actions, changed dbus commands to modern universal org.freedesktop.ConsoleKit instead of outdated (and GNOME-depending) org.gnome.SessionManager
Patched Gpoweroff works fine with latest Ubuntu/Kubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 releases
Main GShutdown developer Philip Peitsch promised me to add my improvements to official Gpoweroff sources and release new Ubuntu packages in ppa:gpoweroff/stable repository, see bug #973577

Please include Gpoweroff instead of unmaintained and not working Gshutdown in Ubuntu repositories.

Newest Gpoweroff can also be installed from official Baltix GNU/Linux repository (ppa:baltix-members/ppa ), see

On Tue, Apr 3, 2012, Maxime Chéramy <email address hidden> wrote:
> Unfortunately, gshutdown is no longer developed nor maintained for a long
> time now. There are several reasons for that:
> - The developers had other projects and not enough time to do everything.
> - It was very discouraging to adapt the source code after each major
> release : the protocols changed, the commands changed, etc. That explains
> the "it stopped to work". At the time, there was a lack of a real standard
> common to any distribution and desktop manager. The solution was to try 3
> different ways of doing the same action! I don't know the current situation.
> - The source code was in C/Gtk2+ which is not very sexy to develop a
> graphical application. I would definitely use Python/Gtk now.