Comment 13 for bug 564853

Revision history for this message
Brian Murray (brian-murray) wrote :

irc logs regarding some confusion regarding verification of this bug:

08:58 < bdmurray> cyphermox: it looks like you only verified 1 of the three
                  test cases in bug 564853
08:58 < ubot5`> bug 564853 in grub2-signed (Ubuntu Cosmic) "Spurious conffile
                prompts for /etc/default/grub" [Undecided,Fix committed]
08:59 < cyphermox> bdmurray: err, no; I tested forcing to get a prompt, and the
                   two different ways you normally should have had one and now
09:01 < bdmurray> "the changes that previously triggered a conffile prompt now
                  no longer do;"
09:02 < bdmurray> that's only one (okay two) right?
09:03 < cyphermox> bdmurray: I'm not sure I follow what you mean
09:03 < cyphermox> there are three different cases; one is maas-deployed,
                   that's how I was deploying the systems to begin with
09:04 < cyphermox> there's people changing /etc/default/grub and triggering
                   debconf prompts; I did this as well
09:04 < cyphermox> and you can further muck with the files to reproduce the
                   case where you /should/ be getting a prompt (ie. we changed
                   our default settings)