Comment 7 for bug 445416

Revision history for this message
khitschler (klaus-hitschler) wrote :

I did'nt manage to put the boot into the partition's boot sector during a normal kubuntu installation. With grub-legacy I've done this multiple times. It was my standard setup to use the MS-Windows boot manager to choose what OS to boot. You know it: 'dd if=/dev/sda6 of=sda6.bin count=1 bs=512', move sda6.bin to Windows and adapt the Windows boot manager's settings. But I recognized that my sda6.bin did'nt contain what I'm expecting. So -after installing the boot into the MBR - I tried to 'sudo grub-install /dev/sda6' and got this messages:

xxxx@xxx:~$ sudo grub-install /dev/sda6
[sudo] password for xxxx:
grub-setup: warn: Attempting to install GRUB to a partition instead of the MBR. This is a BAD idea.
grub-setup: warn: Embedding is not possible. GRUB can only be installed in this setup by using blocklists. However, blocklists are UNRELIABLE and its use is discouraged.
Installation finished. No error reported.
This is the contents of the device map /boot/grub/
Check if this is correct or not. If any of the lines is incorrect,
fix it and re-run the script `grub-install'.

(hd0) /dev/sda

Here are the contents of the first 512 bytes of /dev/sda6:
xxxx@xxx:~$ sudo dd if=/dev/sda6 count=1 bs=512 | hexdump
1+0 Datensätze ein
1+0 Datensätze aus
0000000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000
512 Bytes (512 B) kopiert0000200
, 5,5616e-05 s, 9,2 MB/s

My hard disk's partions, fetched with parted:
(parted) print list
Modell: ATA SAMSUNG HD502HI (scsi)
Festplatte /dev/sda: 500GB
Sektorgröße (logisch/physisch): 512B/512B
Partitionstabelle: msdos

Anzahl Beginn Ende Größe Typ Dateisystem Flags
 1 1049kB 106MB 105MB primary ntfs boot
 2 106MB 100GB 99,9GB primary ntfs
 3 100GB 308GB 208GB extended
 5 100GB 108GB 8192MB logical linux-swap(v1)
 6 108GB 308GB 200GB logical ext4

Are there any ideas?