Comment 127 for bug 420933

Revision history for this message
Dave Westaway (drwestaway) wrote :

hi john and dino99,

I apologize for my rude message last month to john. I now realize it was my ignorance causing most of my frustration, not understanding the inter relationships and how hard you all are working to fix bugs, without enough thanks.

dino99 - I also did not know that I selected "Incomplete" in my fumbling, please repair or let me know how I can change it, and to what?

After re-reading Felix's comments, I see that my choices are

(1) put up with 30 seconds from end of bios to menu, or

(2) boot from my /dev/sda (hd1) - sata, 5 partitions with karmic 9.10 sda6, except my ancient 2002 Asus a7n8x nforce2 motherboard can't select the sata for boot, only the pata.

(3) place /boot/grub on my /dev/sdb (hd0) - pata, Win XP sdb1, fat32 sdb2, except Felix states there's a known bug when "/" isn't on the same disk as /boot/grub.

So my questions are
(1) will just updating to lucid 10.04 and/or a new version of grub2 solve this?
(2) could you point me to where I can find if the bug is fixed to allow me to have /boot/grub on my boot-able drive?

thank you