Comment 2 for bug 2023005

Revision history for this message
Chris Guiver (guiverc) wrote (last edit ):

FYI: This install looks correct..

Like yesterday's install... audacious failed to run post-install, but worked correctly once packages were full-upgraded.

audacious continued playing with the track I'd started earlier today (when added in the ubuntu-mate 23.04 install that this install overwrote... it was the 4th random-order track I selected so unlikely just 'random'... it also continued playing at approx where I'd shutdown rather than from start). bad joke from fortune|cowsay etc...

so install looks good EXCEPT FOR LOSS OF DUAL BOOT option due to grub OS_PROBER issue.

We've had this issue before (during alpha stage; jammy I think) & it can be dealt with via documentation if necessary.