Comment 3 for bug 1945874

Revision history for this message
Mason Loring Bliss (y-mason) wrote :

A quick test shows the issue not cropping up if I use an install with
inherited mountpoints in a more standard hierarchy. I haven't checked
out what's different.

tank/var/log /var/log zfs defaults 0 0
tank/tmp /tmp zfs defaults 0 0
/dev/md0 /boot ext4 defaults 0 1
/dev/mapper/swap none swap sw 0 0

Realistically, this probably makes it a not-super-high-priority bug
given how rare legacy mountpoints are and the fact that probably 25%
of the world population using them (me) has a workaround.

Ironically, the issue noted in 1945873 didn't show up with this build
either, for reasons that I haven't yet sussed out.