Comment 24 for bug 1889509

Revision history for this message
Pat Viafore (patviafore) wrote :

Thank you @ianchanning for the recovery notes through the portal.

I'll also add in a few links that might help.
For users looking for general recovery steps :
For users looking how to mitigate this before rebooting:

@hggdh2 Thank you for the informatoin, I am working with rcj on reproducing this issue. I was able to reproduce this issue with the following steps:

Launch an Ubuntu VM in Azure

az vm create --name grub-test --resource-group <resource-group-name> --location southcentralus --image Canonical:UbuntuServer:18.04-LTS:18.04.201906271 --size Standard_D2s_v3 --admin-username ubuntu --ssh-key-value <path-to-ssh-file>

Apt update and install grub:
sudo apt update
DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive sudo apt install grub2-common

You will see a prompt indicating that grub has failed to install.

Here's a pastebin of relevant disk information that I was able to gather before I installed grub. In #ubuntu-release on FreeNode there was talk of NVME devices exacerbating this bug, but there are no nvme devices on this instance (as checked by ls /dev/nvme*)